Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Are you there?

I didn't realise people still check out this blog!

I randomly signed into Google Analytics and saw I still had a few visitors, so that was nice!

I no longer play this family (it's on an old and dying computer) but I still play the sims!

I'm still playing Warwickshire Style and I have a pretty good neighbourhood going.  I've been thinking about writing for the families but my play is so inconsistent.

I might start writing again if I have an audience though, either here or on Tumblr.

Thanks for continuing to check out this blog!

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Thank you so much for reading the story so far! There will be a hiatus while I work on the next part of the story. It will pick up when the boys are in their teens!

For those of you who are interested, here's a family tree, it contains a spoiler. It includes MOST of the kids born in this generation. I wont be updating this family tree until all the women in Gen D are too old to have babies. I wanted to try to be realistic in representing the size of families in the time this legacy is supposed to be set, but as you can see, it's getting a bit ridiculous. So, I have removed the trips and quads hack, I think.... I may have just decreased their chances to 1 or 2 percent. I have still kept the "try for baby on Sunday and Wednesday" rule.

If anyone would like a Family Tree done in this style for their Legacy, please feel free to contact me in the comments!

Family Tree

It is his will.

Denah awoke the next morning with the sun shining on her face. She felt sore, and couldn't remember how she had gotten in bed. She stretched and tried to remember the last 24 hours, since things were a bit hazy for her. She looked out the window and watched a bird on the window sill feed her chick, then she remembered the night before. She let out an anguished sigh, covered her head and rolled over.

She heard the rustle of dresses and figured one of her lades had come to get her dressed for lunch, as was her daily routine.

"Please, not today. This is the WORST of days to show my face"

"I hardly see how that can be possible" replied Queen Jenny "you delivered in the night."

Denah sat up and found Jenny and Danica at her bedside, each of them holding baby with a smile on their faces. Denah rubbed her eyes and looked at them confused.

“Why would you bring that’s trollop's son to me?”

Their faces beamed, then fell, then beamed again. The looked at each other, and silently decided Jenny would tell Denah what happened since she clearly did not remember.

“First off darling, these are your sons.”

“My sons? I have two sons?” Denah was overcome with relief. She was terrified she would fail in her duty again, but with two sons it was unlikely the throne would pass to any ‘pretender’. Denah pulled herself up, and took her first son from Jenny. It was like looking in a mirror. She saw nothing of Dixon, and was happy.

“I shall call you Edward!” She said with a smile. She kissed every part of his face and looked up at Jenny.

“What’s the second?”

“That news is not so happy… Helen died in childbirth…”

“I hardly see that as sad news” Denah said quietly

“The doctor was able to get two more sons from her, and they survived the night.”

Denah’s jaw went slack “Three sons?...No… No, I will not let that woman steal this day from me. I have two daughters and two LEGITIMATE sons. She has nothing, and she is dead.”

She handed Edward back to Jenny and took her other son to examine him. “You shall be Ephraim, even though technically you’re number 7.” The three of them laughed.

“So what will happen to the three Walton children?”

“Well,” Jenny started “your husband has decided to claim the children as his own, though to what advantage I do not know. He wants them to remain here. I tried to convince him to send them back to their legal father, but he would not hear it. I’m sorry.”

“Don't apologize. It’s his fault their mother is dead now, and not in a home next to the textile factory…. I honestly never know what that man thinks.”

“No one does. But it is his will.”

“Indeed it is his will.”

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I will give this Kingdom a son

The first day of spring arrived, but there were no signs of renewal and joy anywhere in the Castle or Kingdom. King Caleb West had died recently, and everyone was settling into Dixon's new role of King. One of Dixon's first changes in the Castle was the staffing assignment. The staff were still adjusting to the changes, and Dixon was quite happy with himself. He seemed in lighter spirits as Denah’s pregnancy progressed, and was especially happy to see Helen serving him his breakfast again. He knew Denah hated to see Helen every morning, but he didn’t care. He was King, and this was his Kingdom. When another serving girl appeared with breakfast he was annoyed and disapoined.

“Where’s He-… didn’t I move you?”
“You did, your Grace,” the girl replied timidly “Helen is in the servants quarters… she’ll be havin’ the baby any hour now”

“What?!” Denah and Dixon replied in unison.

“I thought you knew, she’s been having terrible pains all night…midwife says she’s not makin' no progress… we’re all worried for her..”

The colour drained from Denah’s face. Is this the dark cloud that’s settled over the castle? She hated to wish ill on another person, but the death of Helen and any child in birth would be just fine with her.

The dowager Queen could see the concern on Dixon and Denah’s faces, but felt no emotion for the woman who threatened her late Husband’s kingdom.
“Well we're all worried for the woman… just bring us our breakfast and be on your way”

“Thank you Madam” she replied quickly.

The entire castle spent the rest of the day going about their business quickly and quietly, waiting for news of Helen.
The following morning, a new serving girl arrived with a simple breakfast, and a somber face to match that of Dixon. Jenny hated to be out of the loop and demanded to know what has going on.

“Helen has delivered a boy, but still suffers greatly. The midwife has called for a doctor.”

Denah and the Dowager Queen both paled at the news that the child was a boy.

Dixon's face brightened a little“I have a son”

Denah burst into tears and ran up to her rooms.

“Congratulations.” Jenny said bitterly.
Denah’s sobs could be heard throughout the castle through the afternoon and well into the evening. By nightfall her cries of anguish were mixed with the cries of labour, she had spent the entire day rambling about failing the King, and that the kingdom would be lost to a bastard pretender. When the pain was too much to bear she ordered her ladies to fetch the midwife. Danica had been receiving regular updates on Helen, but she didn't dare share the news with Denah in her fragile state. When the Midwife arrived, her first question was about Helen, but the midwife quickly and cleverly avoided answering. As the night wore on Denah became more weak, and when the time came she barely had the energy to push. She had lost all hope.

“What’s the point!” she cried “Son or Daughter he doesn't love me! I am lost!”

Danica and Jenny shared a look, they were on either side of Denah and were trying to coach her birth, but they both knew where this could lead.

“You must be strong” Jenny said “Your daughters need their mother! Who will find them good husbands? Who will raise this new son to be a good King?”

Denah looked over to her mother in law with listless eyes “Do you know something I don’t?”

“No woman could be so unlucky. You must have faith and be strong! Give birth to your son!”

Denah could feel the last of her strength come to the surface, Jenny was right. Even if it’s the last thing I do, she thought, I will give this Kingdom a son…

Monday, March 29, 2010

A horrible feeling

The following weeks passed excitedly after the royal pregnancy was announced. Unfortunately, Denah’s good mood was marred by whispers amongst the servants. Though Helen was keeping quiet, out of trouble, and out of Dixon's bed, people couldn’t notice how snug her clothes had gotten, even more snug than Denah’s. The King had decreed that no one was to discuss the circumstances of Helen’s return, but Dennah knew she had his favour. She seized her opportunity when she had another chance encounter with Helen.

“I noticed you are...withchild”

“Yes My Lady, it’s true.”

Denah quickly did the math in her head.
“You’re quite large… how far along are you?”

Helen knew she needed to be careful “Not too far My Lady, though the midwife suspects two babies.” Helen knew that would hurt Denah. The timing was just right to put the paternity in question.

“And who is the father?” Denah could sling dirt as well as she could take it.

“Why, my husband of course.” Helen replied with a smirk.

“Is that right?... Well, I wish you a safe pregnancy and easy birth."

“The same to you, My Lady” Helen bowed her head and stepped to the side to allow Denah to pass.

Denah took a few steps, then turned back to Helen.

"I do wonder...why would a man send his pregnant wife away?"

Helen kept her eyes on the floor and cooly replied

"That is something only the King will ever know."


Both pregnancies progressed without complication, and the castle was buzzing with rumours and bets over the paternity of Helen’s child, and which of the King’s ladies would give birth first. Denah tried to ignore all of the terrible things she overheard, but she couldn’t help but worry. She confessed her fears to Danica, who was also pregnant again.

“What if it’s another girl? What if it’s two more girls? He’ll send me away!”

“Denah! Stay calm, you’ll upset the baby! He won’t send you away, The King and Queen love you too much.”

“And if that woman delivers first? I’m almost certain Dixon is the father, and if she has a son, guess where would that put my son?”

“It wouldn’t put your son anywhere, because any children that woman has will be bastards without claim to anything.”

“No, it would put my son’s succession in danger. Her son could claim first born rights!”

“And who would accept that bastard as their King? You are the favoured woman in this Denah, you need not worry.”

“I have a horrible feeling about all of it Danica.”

“Please Denah, lets talk about something light! Have you thought of names?”

Next post!
Helen, the servant girl gives birth!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Elsa West

Princess Elsa West

Etta West

Princess Etta West, Child